Hello, I’m Mark and here’s my story.
Like you, I am a multi-dimensional person and I enjoy expressing myself in various ways.
In short, I love being a creator and turning ideas into things.
My two biggest passions however are learning about the human experience and making people laugh.
In fact, ever since I was a kid I’ve wanted my own late night talk show.
But since that wasn’t a possibility in my mind, I followed my other passion for creating things and studied art, architecture, and environmental psychology in college.
Upon graduation, I got the best job in the world (in a most miraculous way) working in the office furniture industry as a designer and space planner (think office cubicles, desks, chairs, etc.).
This experience is an amazing story about the unseen forces that are always at play in our lives, and how we simply need to tune into them to be helped along on our journey.
I loved that job.
It was challenging and fulfilling and it gave me a lot of opportunities to help people solve their problems in a creative way.
I worked in this field and related fields for 17 years and loved everything about this part of my life; the people I worked with, the projects I worked on, and the customers I served.
In 2013 I decided to pivot and pursue different passions.
There wasn’t anything wrong with my life at the time.
In fact, I was still working in the field that I enjoyed.
And I was working with amazing people.
But something was shifting inside me.
I found myself thinking more and more about a future that revolved around my passion for personal development and enhancing the human experience.
I wrote a short introduction to a book of quotes I curated and self-published on the kindle platform about mankind’s true nature.
It’s called Boundless Joy: 101 Timeless Reminders of Our True Nature.
I still love that little book.
It’s filled with some of the most uplifting, inspiring, and encouraging quotes I’ve discovered on my own journey.
Each one was carefully chosen to help you tune in to who you really are, especially when life knocks you down.
You know, for those times when you forget that your true nature is bliss and joy.
When anger, frustration, disappointment, and the myriad other lower emotions creep in when you’re not paying attention.
And so, writing that short introduction, and curating those quotes, was the beginning of this stage of my life.
Since then I’ve published four additional books, including a two-part children’s series called The Magic of Being, all of which are available from Amazon.

You can find them all on Amazon.com.
In each book, I share only the very best techniques for taking control of your mind and harnessing the infinite creative power.
Writing these books was a natural progression of my journey.
My desire to learn about ways to improve life began in college when I’d spend countless hours in the personal development section of the campus library reading books by Wayne Dyer, Leo Buscaglia, Dale Carnegie, Louise Hay, and others.
I also became interested in metaphysics, manifestation, and understanding the creative power of thought at that time as well.
At the time, Leo Buscaglia was one of my favorite authors and speakers.
He just had a special warmth and openness about him, and that really came through in his writing.
I even found a video of him speaking at my university, recorded many years earlier.
I still remember sitting there in that study carol in the library media center watching that video and taking notes.
It was a special time in my life.
This was also the year I published my first YouTube video (link to the video).
It was a promotional video for my book, Boundless Joy.
Yes, it’s a little cringe to watch now, but I’ve realized now that looking foolish is part of the process in whatever endeavor you choose to pursue and everyone has to start somewhere.
Everything changed for me again in 2020.
When COVID came I, like many others, knew something was going on, I just didn’t know what.
Having already realized that my government doesn’t work for me or have my best interest at heart, I became even more skeptical of them.
Additionally, someone close to me experienced a vaccine injury in late 2021.
This made me look into things in a deeper way and what I discovered woke me up in a profound way.
In 2022 I redesigned my YouTube channel to be more like a talk show, with different series.
This gave me full creative freedom to talk about a wide variety of topics.
What I do have is a deep passion for discovering the ultimate truths about who and what we really are, and how we can use the incredible gifts we’ve been given to create extraordinary experiences for ourselves and others.
This passion drives me to search far and wide for timeless wisdom (from any spiritual or philosophical tradition) about how to live life to the fullest.
It all centers around becoming the very best versions of ourselves.
Because life only gets better when we get better.
And in my opinion, that’s the reason we’re here; to get better at living – to grow and develop ourselves.
And experience more vibrant health, wealth, and success in every area of our lives.
And also, to give and share with one another the very best knowledge and wisdom we each discover on our journey, so that everyone has the opportunity to experience as much peace, happiness, and prosperity as they want.
So again, welcome to my blog. I hope you find something of value here.
All the best – health, wealth, and success,

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